Keira D’Amato spends a morning with PBRR

We enjoyed a visit from multiple American record holder Keira D’Amato this past weekend. She wanted to run while visiting friends in our area, and she chose the right group to join in with! Keira was happy to come to our Juno Beach Saturday run for her 20+ mile workout. A few of our runners joined in for as many miles as they could keep pace. It was enlightening and fun to see a top caliber athlete run and fuel. Keira was super personable, she shared great stories about the physio testing she has access to as a Nike sponsored athlete, tales about her teammates and some of her own best running memories.

We had a nice welcoming committee at Dunkin Donuts upon Keira’s return. She took as much time as everyone wanted to pose for photos and answer questions. This was a highlight for many in our group that might have only known of her and her accomplishments via social media or watching live coverage of big races. She liked our oceanfront route and the sights alongs the way, I would not be surprised to see Keira return to our area for more runs and more fun!