Saturday, March 11th, 2023 – The 47th Duffy’s Shamrock Run was a success, even as the format was altered to accommodate construction in the park and on nearby roads.

Our event this year consisted of a 5k and a 10k race. One loop of the course would be our 5k race, two loops were reserved for the 10k runners. Over 700 runners and walkers joined us for a “green themed” morning in Lake Worth’s John Prince Park.

The morning delivered nice weather with temperatures just below 70. Both events began on the same road at the same time. The runners in each event were given different colored race bibs to help with the organization at the finish line. Accuchip Timing allowed for each participant to check their official time shortly after completing their race – Each bib had a QR code printed on the front. A quick scan of this code with a mobile phone brought its user to the near real time results and standings.

The course had two water stops, staffed by volunteers from John I Leonard High School and others. It proved to be a good new 5k course as we received positive feedback on the course route and 10k distance.

With an event titled “Shamrock Run,” you have to expect to see costumed runners – and yes we had plenty! Athletes of all ages brought the luck and cheer with them as they donned green Irish apparel and accessories. This is a highlight of this annual event for many of its participants. KIds, parents, volunteers and race staff all joined in on the dress-up fun.

From the racing side, we saw great performances. Chris Jones and Maura Short were the fastest 5k runners. IN the 10k, Melissa Perlman took the 1st overall position in an impressive 36 minute time. The male winner for the 10k was Ryan Deauville.

We are happy to have produced another great & fun event for our members and our community… Here are the 2023 Shamrock Run results.