Our Season is HERE!
Palm Beach Roadrunners know that the string of fun and local races we do every year is upon us!
Run 4 The Pies, our Thanksgiving tradition, is set to go with more people registered this year so far than last year at this time. Register here for Run 4 The Pies.
Garden of Life Palm Beaches Marathon on the Dec 10-11 weekend has races for everyone! a 5k and 10k on Saturday and the marquee Half Marathon and Marathon on Sunday. You can register for those events HERE.
Classics By The Sea 5k, 10k and Kid’s 1 mile race will be on Saturday, Jan 21st at Jupiter’s Carlin Park. Registration for that race will open in the next week & we will have links her and on our social media sites.
Get ready for some excellent opportunities to run with your friends, enjoy South Florida’s paradise-like weather, and chase new personal best times!
Special PBRR Deal with The Feed
The Feed website has become a partner of our club, offering a very special arrangement for our group:
Register at this link – https://thefeed.com/teams/palm-beach-road-runners
The Feed will credit your personal account with a $20 credit every 3 months.
You can spend your $20 on any purchase of $35 or more.
You must use your $20 credit within 60 days or it will expire.
They carry the very latest in nutrition, recovery and performance products. Have a look and be sure to take advantage of this terrific special for PBRR folks!
Girls On The Run
For the second year, Girls On The Run participated in our Classics By The Sea 5k event. We received a package containing a T-Shirt, a “Thank You” letter from Program Director Diane Evans, and several handwritten notes from the runner girls. It is always a nice surprise to hear our work is recognized and appreciated. The girls ran as a group in the January race, most paired off with an adult guide. It was fun to see their smiles as they ran towards the finish line and collected their medals!
This is one of the ways we look to support youth running in our community. Girls On The Run is a mentorship program that builds confidence and teaches life lessons through the sport of running. This is what YOUR Palm Beach Roadrunners club does – We thank our members for their support. We are making a POSITIVE difference as the kind messages from the girls shows!
Classics Unclaimed Awards Pickup
If you earned an Overall (1st Place) or Age Group award (1st, 2nd, 3rd) at Classics By The Sea 5k or 10k, we will be at Dunkin Donuts, 803 Donald Ross Road, Juno Beach tomorrow morning, Saturday, January 22 from 8:00 am – 9:30 am.
You can pickup your award and/or the award for a friend or family member… Kid’s 1 Mile awards, too! (1st, 2nd, 3rd Age Groups)
Link to Classic By The Sea 2022 final race results:
Classics By The Sea 2022 Runner Info
This is the email sent to all registered runners…
Hello Athletes!
We have event information for this Saturday’s Classics By The Sea race. Please see below for details about Packet Pickup, Covid race procedures, Education Foundation’s Red Apple Supplies and volunteer opportunities.
The road to Carlin Park is the run route for all of the races. This road closes at approximately 6:45 am. If you arrive late or hit the <Snooze> button for that valuable extra 3 minutes, you will be parking at the Jupiter Maltz Theater or Publix on US-1 (a ten minute walk to the race) Arrive early – park on site!
Packet Pickup
Two opportunities to get your race bib and shirt…
1) Friday, Jan 7th from 3pm – 6pm at Bikes Palm Beach
(Southeast corner of Donald Ross Rd & US-1 Juno Beach)
2) On race morning, Saturday, at Carlin Park, Jupiter
(Race site beginning at 6:00am)
Covid Procedures
To keep our outdoor event safe, we will begin each of the three races in a relaxed “flowing format.” This means that athletes competing for the OVERALL Male, Female, Boy & Girl title in each race will be encouraged to start up front. (There are a small percentage of runners in this group) Their time is measured by “gun time,” aka the actual start of the race.
Everyone else is timed by “chip time” meaning the elapsed time of you crossing the START line until you cross the FINISH line. You can begin your 5k or 10k spaced apart in the start corral whenever you’d like after the START line is declared OPEN for your event, 5k or 10k. This race start procedure has proven to be very successful in our Shamrock run and in larger races like this year’s Boston Marathon.
We will suggest repeatedly that runners maintain safe distancing in the corrals until they begin their race. Masks are not required but are recommended for those looking for extra protection in the corral and while after-race areas. Please do not discard masks in the park or on the beautiful ocean road course.
Awards will be given out shortly after the official results are posted at a special area for award distribution.
All post race food and drink items will be pre-packaged and self serve at refreshment and food tables past the finish line.
Red Apple Supplies
We have again partnered with the Education Foundation’s “Red Apple Supplies” team to collect school supplies for underprivileged children right here in Palm Beach County. We encourage runners, families and spectators to bring school supplies to the race Saturday morning as we “restock the shelves” for this worthy cause. Folks from Red Apple Supplies will be on hand at the race to collect supplies, they can also be brought to Friday’s packet pickup at Bikes Palm Beach. Below is a list of suggested items to bring…
Volunteer Opportunities
All events of this nature exist because volunteers from the community lend a hand in the race production. If you’re willing to help, we’ve got a role for you! If you’re a runner taking a break from racing, we’d love your assistance. If you’re a middle or high schooler, these events serve as a GREAT way to earn community service hours.
For volunteer details please click email link below:
A Very Big Deal!
We received our largest single donation in club history – $10,000! Partnering with The Sock Drawer, we awarded this sum to the running program at John I. Leonard High School under the direction of Coach Kristy Kirk.
Earmarked for many pieces of equipment and supplies for the Cross Country team and the Track and Field program, this donation will go a very long way in bringing a better running experience for the students at the school.
Coach Kirk has already hosted several events to procure new socks for homeless in our area. This is the mission of The Sock Drawer, a nonprofit run by high schoolers Alex and Aiden Skolnick. More proof that when people and organizations steer their efforts towards the good and positive, amazing things will happen on all sides! We are happy to support John I Leonard High School and proud to work together with the boys from The Sock Drawer!
Global Running Day
A nice group enjoying a run, good friends, eat and drink. The Social Club With A Running Problem!
Global Running Day 2021
Thanks from Girls On The Run
We received a nice package recently from Girls On The Run,
who participated in our Classics By The Sea 5k event.
This is what YOUR running club does –
We promote, support and encourage youth running in our area!
Click below to see the Thank You letter (opens in separate browser tab):
Girls On The Run Thank You Letter
The PBRR Pacing Team Runs Again!
Did you know that YOUR running club has a group of real race pacers? Yes!
This past weekend saw the PBRR Pacers running and leading athletes to new PRs and great times at the Game On Race Events “Run Singer Island” Half Marathon. The comments and post race feedback from runners was terrific. They really appreciate the guidance and reliability of completing their event with a pace leader. The PBRR Pacers first participated in the Hutchinson Island Half Marathon last October. Our members did a wonderful job in both events — they include Maria Urso, Nicole Foster, Maureen Flynn, Susan Rawn, Shelley Flowers, Mitch Goldstein, and Madeleine Ely.
We will continue to grow this new part of the club, allowing runners to experience the benefits of pace leaders at our local events. If you have an interest in becoming a PBRR Pacer, please contact Dave at dave@palmbeachroadrunners.com